Category: R.A.P.P. Announcements
Relationship Abuse Prevention Program
RAPP proudly welcomes Dr. LaToya Brackett!
RAPP has gone Virtual!
Truman Says NO MORE!

March is Women’s History Month, a month-long opportunity to highlight the pivotal role women have played throughout history and in society today. It also gives us time to shine light on the ways women and girls are marginalized. Women and girls experience higher rates of domestic violence, sexual assault, harassment,…
February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month!

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. While this is something that is 24/7/365 for the Relationship Abuse Prevention Program, it does provide a nice platform to further engage the Truman community. Here are some statistics, from – Too Common Nearly 1.5 million high school students nationwide experience physical…
Truman RAPP is #KindnessInAction
Why We Need Spirit Day
RAPP Peer Leaders at the Brides March

October is nationally recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP) works in our school community to educate folks about dating and domestic violence, while promoting healthy relationships and respect. On September 26th, RAPP Peer Leaders participated in the 17th Annual Gladys Ricart & Victims of…
June is LGBTQ Pride Month

June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) PRIDE Month. Now more than ever, we see an increasing need for such designations, in the face of growing oppression, hate, and ignorance. To get a better idea of how homophobia and anti-LGBTQ bias impact youth, take a look at the statistics below…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month

With a few weeks remaining in the school year, before we reach Regents week and graduation rehearsals, we wanted to take some time to address mental health, and May’s designation as Mental Health Awareness Month, gives us that opportunity. Mental illness is more common in our community than people would…
Denim Day is Wednesday, April 26th.
Friday is the National Day of Silence!

Friday, April 21st marks GLSEN’s annual Day of Silence, one of the nation’s largest student-led days of action. Thousands of students across the country will take a vow of silence as a symbolic representation of the silencing effect of anti-LGBT and Gender Non-Conforming students, and their allies. Friday, April…
Join RAPP at the Anti-Street Harassment Rally!
Truman Said, and Continues to Say, NO MORE Abuse, Violence, and Oppression!

RAPP was proud to bring the #NoMoreWeek campaign to the Truman campus this month. In our ongoing work to educate and raise awareness about domestic violence/dating abuse, sexual assault, harassment, and bullying, campaigns like this give voice to communities. We were glad to have staff and students participate, creating their…