Brayden Boscio (white coat, left) is one of six qualifiers in this year’s scholarship competition. Here he is helping to cater an event for the Air Force JROTC program in 2016.
BRONX, NY – Six students in the Harry S Truman High School Culinary Arts Program have qualified to compete for a share of a large major scholarship program.
The Careers Through The Culinary Arts Program in Manhattan offers a college scholarship competition for culinary, pastry, hospitality, nutrition and travel-and-tourism majors with prizes ranging from $1,500 cash scholarship to full college tuition at the school of their choice.
This year the following students made it into the preliminary competition: Brayden Boscio, Khristian Goland, Geannaby Hernandez, Miguel Diaz, Sammantha Solomon and Danielle Murrain. These students will be competing against almost a hundred students from all over the state for the few available scholarships. The preliminary competition is on February 4. In that round, students will have to make two french-rolled omelets each and an elegant cucumber salad.
Last year Jodi Ann Williams won a $120,000 Johnson and Wales full tuition scholarship resulting from her participation in the culinary program. Best wishes to this year’s competitors.