November 13th is World Kindness Day!


Tomorrow, we will participating in World Kindness Day, a global 24-hour celebration dedicated to paying-it-forward and focusing on the good.

It is a day we look beyond ourselves, beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion, and realize we are citizens of the world. We have a commonality, and must realize that if progress is to be made in human relations and endeavors, if we are to achieve the goal of peaceful coexistence, we must focus on kindness and respect.

RAPP’s mission is to raise awareness of teen dating abuse and to promote healthy relationships. We do so through showing our peers respect and love, by not using vulgar and pejorative language, by not hurting another persons feelings. There are likenesses in all of us, so when a peer is abused, bullied, or harassed, we experience empathy, and in such a state we can fully relate to that person or those people.

Won’t you join us, on World Kindness Day, and everyday, in spreading joy, kindness, compassion, sympathy, gentleness, humanity, consideration, charity and respect!

World Kindness Day, courtesy of  RAK Foundation

World Kindness Day, courtesy of RAK Foundation

World Kindness Day, courtesy of RAK Foundation

World Kindness Day, courtesy of RAK Foundation

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