Samples of work from AP Art Students, who recently prepared and submitted professional portfolios to the College Board.
BRONX, NY – Over a hundred students will put their artwork on display Wednesday as Truman High School hosts its annual art show for the public.
“I do think it’s important that we showcase the student’s work, because a lot of people don’t realize how talented they are,” according to art teacher Ms. Paula Mills. The show will feature art from both her and Ms. Angela Vennochi’s classes.
“Ms. V” as she is affectionately known by her students, is just finishing her first year as a teacher at Truman and according to Ms. Mills, is doing a “wonderful job.”
The art show will not only feature paintings and drawings, but also a live band and food. For Ms. Mills, the show is about much more than just showcasing what the students have done.
“I expect to see them grow as artists and individuals,” she said. “I want them to become thinking and seeing people. You cannot draw unless you can see, and for a lot of people, they see, but they draw what they want to draw, rather than what they see.”
The show is open to the public from 5-7pm. For more information, email bxtrumanmedia@gmail.com.