The software and computer technology that runs a digital planetarium is highly complex. Mrs. Robbins is now an expert in using our digital system.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT- Most space travelers require years of training and experience before getting to go to the outer limits of the atmosphere and beyond, but now Truman students can explore the universe in much greater detail, thanks to the help of Earth Science and Astronomy teacher Mrs. Robbins.
In October, Mrs. Robbins travelled to Salt Lake City, Utah for a week-long training session on Evans & Sutherland’s planetarium software. She learned how to better utilize Truman’s unique resource and now has the capacity to tailor her lessons and build planetarium shows from scratch.
Mrs. Robbins trip would not have been possible without the help of some other Truman Science teachers, who helped keep her students on track while she was gone. Special thanks goes to Mr. Beauzile, Ms. Carter and Ms. Cortes for their help.